Our Lotus Elise

| While living in England,
Erynn and I fell in love with the Lotus Elise. The car is exactly the opposite of an
SUV, and we love it that way.
The folks at Lotus decided to finally introduce a version specifically for the US market, and we decided to buy one. We put a down payment for one in the fall of
2004, and we took delivery on November 12, 2006. (The wait is finally over!). Our car was one of the first to
arrive in the country for the 2006 model year.
Photo Albums:
April 3, 2002: Renting an Elise in Watford, England - where the infatuation began
January 31, 2005: Barrett-Jackson Auto Auction in Scottsdale, Arizona
July 11, 2005: Lotus Dealer in San Francisco, California
November 12, 2005: Picking Up Our New Lotus Elise - a nice, early birthday present!!!
April 28, 2006: Elise First Service & Oil Change
May 12, 2007: Trip to the Herbert Hoover National Historic Site
June 5, 2007: Shipping the Elise in the back of a moving van
June 9, 2009: Oil Change at a quickie oil change shop (not a dealer)
June 22, 2009: Installing a carbon fibre center console
Various: Photos That Don't Warrant a Separate Album
Some Interesting Links:
Lotus Cars
Another Elise Enthusiast ... and another Elise Enthusiast
Fox Valley Motorcars - where we bought the car
Sector 111 - Lotus aftermarket parts
Quad City British Auto Club
Good article about the Elise coming stateside
© 2002-2021 Doug Rathburn