Erynn and Doug's Picture Albums

Click on a Region of the World to See Our Photo Albums
| Canada
| Central America & Caribbean
| Europe
| South America
| Africa
| Asia
| Oceania ]
[ Chronological List of All Photo Albums ]
Austria - September 2019
Bulgaria - September 2018
Sarasota, Florida - September 2017
Vancouver - December 2016
The Netherlands - August 2016
Above are links to photo albums broken up by region from some of our wonderful holiday adventures. An endless honeymoon as it were.
Just move your cursor over an are of the world and click to be taken to that section.
Erynn and I have been lucky enough to go to many places in the years we've been together.
But I believe what makes us the most lucky are our wonderful friends and family. So most of the collections
below are of trips involving us and our friends. If you'd like a full size/resolution version of the
pictures just send me an email.
Homeland Security Rant: Most of the above trips were done after September 11. Certain aspects of airport security
changed dramatically, namely the length of time required to check-in for a flight and to get through security. However,
Erynn and I test one new security measure every time we fly. I remember a time before 9/11 when it wasn't uncommon to have
to show ID two or three times before boarding a plane: at check-in, at security, and at the gate. It didn't always happen, but it
happed enough that I never thought twice when it did. With the changes enacted by the Department of Homeland Security, we only show ID
once before we go through the x-ray security check point. The person that checks the name on the ticket versus the ID is not a
TSA employee, but rather a government contractor. The airlines rely on this "service" completely and don't do their own ID
verification. What is the purpose of all this ranting? I can count on one hand out of
all the trips we've taken where the person checking IDs actually noticed that Erynn name in her passport doesn't match
the name on the ticket!!! When we got married, she got her name changed in the back of the passport, but the face page is
her maiden name and the people never check. It always shocks and amazes me at this lapse in security. I could get any female on
the plane as long as I book the ticket with my surname and not hers. (July 23, 2005)
© 2002-2019 Doug Rathburn