Indianapolis, Indiana
October 31, 2015
We drove over to Indiana and dropped off the kids at the in-laws so that we could row at the Head of the Eagle in Eagle Creek Park.
Erynn finished 3rd of three in her single and Doug finished 4th of 7 in his single. In the mixed double we took second of three boats.
Doug has a new nemesis after this regatta... in the single the results say raw time was 42 seconds slower than the guy who finished 2nd. Doug passed him and finished nearly a minute ahead at the finish so a margin of "only" 42 sec is clearly an error. That same sculler was then in the mixed double event and cut the last corner buoy on purpose (perfect line in the single earlier and a mirror on the buoy side) knowing there was only a 10sec penalty.
October 31, 2015
We drove over to Indiana and dropped off the kids at the in-laws so that we could row at the Head of the Eagle in Eagle Creek Park.
Erynn finished 3rd of three in her single and Doug finished 4th of 7 in his single. In the mixed double we took second of three boats.
Doug has a new nemesis after this regatta... in the single the results say raw time was 42 seconds slower than the guy who finished 2nd. Doug passed him and finished nearly a minute ahead at the finish so a margin of "only" 42 sec is clearly an error. That same sculler was then in the mixed double event and cut the last corner buoy on purpose (perfect line in the single earlier and a mirror on the buoy side) knowing there was only a 10sec penalty.

- 2015 Head of the Eagle
- Bridge splitting lake
- Control Commission
- Course Map
- Doug is Off
- Doug the Lumberjack
- Erynn is off
- Finish Tower for 2k Course
- German unisuits
- Helping Erynn into her single
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 094737 01
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 094737 02
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 095732
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 095736 01
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 100616
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 100622
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 130825
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 130829
- IRC Head Eagle 103115 130830
- In the double
- Indianapolis Rowing Center
- Launching docks
- Myrtle the Regatta Car
- Recovery Docks
- Silver Medalists1
- Silver Medalists2
- Singles results - Doug was robbed
- Team Tents
- Three boats across
- Trailers1
- Trailers2
- launching the double
- mess of michigan oars