October 30, 2015
class dress up and parade through school
class dress up and parade through school

- DAR 0857
- DAR 0869
- DAR 0876
- DAR 0878
- DAR 0882
- DAR 0885
- DAR 0888
- DAR 0892
- DAR 0897
- DAR 0899
- DAR 0902
- DAR 0904
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- DAR 0906
- DAR 0907
- DAR 0916
- DAR 0918
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- DAR 0929
- DAR 0933
- DAR 0934
- DAR 0935
- DAR 0936
- DAR 0939
- DAR 0941
- DAR 0947
- DAR 0948
- Greta and Miss Longhurst
- Greta is a rollie pollie
- Greta the line leader
- JD is Bot from Team Umi Zoomie
- Mr Respect Story time
- Ms Longhurst story time
- Rollie Pollie and Pocohontas
- putting the shell on