- 1 David Unwrapping
- 10 Joe Post It Note Pad
- 11 Erynn Orange JL Socks
- 12 Erynn Socks
- 13 Dan Got the Pheasant
- 14 Doug Penauts Calendar
- 15 Beth Zombie Shirt
- 16 Beth Zombie Shirt
- 17 Zombie Shirt
- 18 Beth Old Disused Medals
- 19 Erynn Pooping Reindeer
- 2 David Bumpitts Like Sarah Palin
- 20 Debra 10mm Wrench
- 21 Debra Sculling Mirror
- 22 Erynn Christmas Ornament
- 3 Nadine Santa Hat
- 4 Jackie Game Box
- 5 Jackie Purse
- 6 Joe License Plate Surround
- 7 Joe - Strong Women Row to Win
- 8 Carson Night Light
- 9 Erynn Honking Pheasant