Home / Rowing / Mannheimer Ruder-Club von 1875 e.V. / Regatta Offenbach Bürgel + German Masters Open 2014 61
Offenbach, Germany
July 13, 2014
The normal Offenbach Bürgel regatta was combined with the German Masters Open this year. Normally the regatta is 500m, but the masters races were lengthened to 1000m. Our first race on Saturday in the 2x had us finishing second behind Speyer. On Sunday inclement weather made the regatta run behind and in order to get back on schedule they ran the afternoon (ours included) masters races at only 500m. It was a tough race and we finished 2nd behind Würzburg in the 4x.
July 13, 2014
The normal Offenbach Bürgel regatta was combined with the German Masters Open this year. Normally the regatta is 500m, but the masters races were lengthened to 1000m. Our first race on Saturday in the 2x had us finishing second behind Speyer. On Sunday inclement weather made the regatta run behind and in order to get back on schedule they ran the afternoon (ours included) masters races at only 500m. It was a tough race and we finished 2nd behind Würzburg in the 4x.

- Doug and Johannes heading to the dock
- Doug and Johannes
- Doug and Marko with the sculls
- First MM2x B Race
- Greta helping with the boat1
- Greta helping with the boat2
- Greta helping with the boat3
- Johannes
- Ludwigshafen women s single
- MM2x B - Mannheim1
- MM2x B - Mannheim10
- MM2x B - Mannheim11
- MM2x B - Mannheim12
- MM2x B - Mannheim13
- MM2x B - Mannheim14
- MM2x B - Mannheim15
- MM2x B - Mannheim16
- MM2x B - Mannheim17
- MM2x B - Mannheim18
- MM2x B - Mannheim19
- MM2x B - Mannheim2
- MM2x B - Mannheim20
- MM2x B - Mannheim21
- MM2x B - Mannheim22
- MM2x B - Mannheim23
- MM2x B - Mannheim3
- MM2x B - Mannheim4
- MM2x B - Mannheim5
- MM2x B - Mannheim6
- MM2x B - Mannheim7
- MM2x B - Mannheim8
- MM2x B - Mannheim9
- MM2x B - Results first heat
- MM2x B - Results second heat
- MM4x B - Results
- MM4x B Mannheim1
- MM4x B Mannheim10
- MM4x B Mannheim11
- MM4x B Mannheim12
- MM4x B Mannheim13
- MM4x B Mannheim14
- MM4x B Mannheim15
- MM4x B Mannheim16
- MM4x B Mannheim17
- MM4x B Mannheim18
- MM4x B Mannheim2
- MM4x B Mannheim3
- MM4x B Mannheim4
- MM4x B Mannheim5
- MM4x B Mannheim6